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Alviano is a small, typically Umbrian medieval village situated on a hill in the Tiber Valley, not far from the Amerini hills, and surrounded by eroded clay formations known as "calanchi," which create extensive and captivating fan-shaped systems. The small village, enclosed by defensive walls, still retains its clear medieval urban layout, characterized by a compact form with a rather dense but orderly road network, which has remained nearly unchanged despite the reconstruction of various building complexes. Alviano is one of the municipalities that are part of the Tiber River Park, stretching for about 50 km until it reaches the Naturalistic Oasis, of great importance for nature and land conservation. The Oasis, covering around 900 hectares, was artificially created in 1963 following the damming of the Tiber River by ENEL, and over time, sediments deposited by the river contributed to the emergence of various marshy areas and a hygrophilous forest, attracting numerous species of waterbirds. Today, more than 10,000 specimens stop here every year, choosing the oasis as an ideal refuge for breeding.

Dal 20/05 al 20/08
2022, May 06
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